Carina Ahrens

/ka‘ʁi:na ‘a:ʁəns/

Carina standing in front of a fantastic view of the city center of Edinburgh.

Here I am standing on Calton Hill enjoying the view on the city center of Edinburgh.

Welcome to my Academic Journey

I am a student living in Germany where I study Musicology, History, English Linguistics and Psycholinguistics. I work in the Sociolinguistics Lab at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany) where I transcribe and code data. My research interests are (socio)phonetics as well as cognitive aspects of language. I am also interested in how people's speech changes over their lifespan.

I hold two bachelor’s degrees - a bilingual degree (Licence Franco-Allemande) in Musicology from Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen (Germany) and the University François Rabelais in Tours (France) and a two-subject degree in Anglophone Studies and History from the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany). I am currently pursuing three master's degrees - one in Musicology at the Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen (Germany), one in English Linguistics and History at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany) and one in Psycholinguistics at the Ruhr University Bochum (Germany). In fall 2024 I will start my PhD at the University of Oregon where I will be working with Vsevolod (Volya) Kapatsinski.

News & Events

I am excited to announce that I will be joining the PhD program of Linguistics at the University of Oregon this fall.

Upcoming Presentations:

  • NWAV 52:
    5th - 7th November 2024, Miami Beach (U.S.)
    Evaluating traditionally “stable” variables in a creole: Variation and change in (th, dh) in Hawaiʻi Creole - Grama, Ahrens

  • NWAV 52:
    5th - 7th November 2024, Miami Beach (U.S.)
    Evaluating traditionally “stable” variables in a creole: Variation and change in (th, dh) in Hawaiʻi Creole - Ahrens, Moelders

Current Research Projects:

  • Independent Project with James Grama:
    (dh)-stopping in Hawai'i Creole

  • Acoustic Realization of me and my:
    investigating acoustic properties of the object me and the first possessive pronoun my in Tyneside English

  • Master's Thesis Psycholinguistics & Musicology:
    investigating processing of language and music and the shared resources hypothesis (following Slevc, Rosenberg, Patel 2009)

Contact me here:

  • Email: cahrens[at]
  • Email: carina-ahrens[at]