PDF-version of my CV here. (last update: 12.07.2024)


Doctor of Philosophy


starting in September 2024
Doctorate Degree: Linguistics
University of Oregon (U.S.)

Master of Arts

Anglophone Studies & History

since October 2022
Double Master's Degree: Anglophone Studies: English Linguistics and History
University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)

Master's thesis:
The Sound of me in my Brain:
Acoustic Patterns of the First-Person Possessive my and First-Person Object me in Tyneside English


since April 2022
Single Master's Degree: Verarbeitung, Analyse, und Modellierung natuerlicher Sprache: Computerlinguistik – Psycholinguistik – Theoretische Linguistik
(Processing, Analysing and Modeling Natural Language: Computational, Psycho- and Theoretical Linguistics)
Ruhr University Bochum (Germany)

Master's thesis:
Harmony of Thinking: The Cognitive Intersection of Music and Language


since September 2019
Single Master's Degree: Musicology and Cultural Studies
Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen (Germany)

Master's thesis:
Harmony of Thinking: The Cognitive Intersection of Music and Language

Bachelor of Arts

Anglophone Studies & History

Septembre 2018 - September 2022
Double Bachelor's Degree: Anglophone Studies (English Linguistics) and History
University Duisburg-Essen (Germany)

Bachelor's thesis:
Tracking Sociophonetic Variation in one Individual over the Lifespan: FOOT & STRUT, FACE and GOAT


October 2016 - February 2019
Single Bachelor's Degree: Musicology (German & French) / Musicology Licence Franco-Allemande
Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen (Germany) &
University François Rabelais, Tours (France)

Bachelor's thesis:
Die Leitmotivtechnik in Howard Shores Filmmusik The Lord of the Rings: Die musikalische Beziehung Aragorns und Arwens
(The technique of Leitmotives of Howard Shores film music The Lord of the Rings: The musical relation between Aragorn and Arwen)


Student Jobs

Anglophone Studies

since August 2020 - September 2024
Student assistant in the DFG-funded project Tacking Language Variation and Change across the Lifespan (LaVaLi) at the Sociolinguistics Lab led by Prof. Dr. Isabelle Buchstaller
University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
Tasks: transcriptions, checking alignments, and auditory coding in Praat and ELAN


May 2022 - March 2024
Student assistant for Prof. Dr. Eva Belke
Ruhr University Bochum (Germany)
Tasks: transcriptions, checking alignments, and measurements in Praat and ELAN, composition of nursery rimes


October 2019 - March 2024
Student assistant for Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bloesel
University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
Tasks: scanning, copying, proofreading, adding references and list of sources


April 2019 - May 2022
Student assistant at the library
Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen (Germany)
Tasks: assisting in research, processing library books


April 2018 - September 2019
Student assistant for Prof. Dr. Matthias Brzoska
Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen (Germany)
Tasks: organizing literature and sheet music, proofreading, and digitizing handwritten notes


University - Undergraduate Level

  • SoSe 2022/2023
    Phonetics and Phonology Phonology
    Ruhr University Bochum (Germany)

  • WiSe 2022/2023
    Areas and Approaches - Phonetics and Phonology
    University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)

Student Laboratory (Schuelerlabor - High School Level)

  • since WiSe 2022/2023
    The Mental Lexicon (Das Woerterbuch im Kopf)
    Ruhr University Bochum (Germany)

  • since WiSe 2023/2024
    Writing in Academia (Wissenschaft unter Dach und Fach: Einfuehrung in das wissenschaftliche Schreiben)
    Ruhr University Bochum (Germany)


  • SoSe 2024
    ELAN Tutorial - Graduate Level
    University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)

  • SoSe 2022
    Praat Tutorial - Undergraduate Level
    Ruhr University Bochum (Germany)


  • August 2023
    Linguistics - The Secret Behind Language
    DGHK 10-day summer school for gifted students ~6th grade

  • October 2015
    Composing Music on a Computer - School Kids
    DGHK 7-day program for gifted students ~5th-7th grade

Extracurricular Activities

Summer Schools

  • Forensic Linguistics Short Course 2023
    Düsseldorf, 05.09.2023 - 07.09.2023
    Classes on different areas of Forensic Linguistics

  • Crete Linguistics Summer School 2022
    Rethymno, 29.07.2022 - 29.07.2022


    • Computational Phonology - Adam Albright (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
    • Introduction to Phonology - Doug Pulleyblank (University of British Columbia)
    • Introduction to Neurolinguistics - Yosef Grodzinsky (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
    • The Phonology of Nasal Stop Sequences - Juliet Stanton (New York University)
    • Bilingualism over the Lifespan - Antonella Sorace (University of Edinburgh)


  • Reproducible Analyses with R-Notebooks
    08.02.2023: Dr. Sophia Leimer, University of Duisburg-Essen - 2h

  • Bootcamp: R and Statistics for Humanities
    09.02.2022 & 21.-25.03.2022: Prof. Dr. Stephan Th. Gries, University of Santa Barbara & Justus-Liebig-University Giessen - 33h

  • Regular Expressions in R
    09.-10..10.2021 & 27.-28.01.2022: PD Dr. Christop Rülemann, University Freiburg - 24h


  • Research internship at the Medici Archive Project
    Florence, 16.07.2021 - 01.10.2021
    Research Project: Music at the Wedding of Isabella Medici

  • Conservatory of Performing Arts (COPA)
    Norderstedt, 16.07.2020 - 29.07.2020
    Assisting in organisation (timetables, organising sheet music & costumes, etc.)
    Tasks: Assistant of the director of the kick-off presentation



  • German (mother tongue)
  • English (fluent spoken and written, TOEFL: 103)
  • French (advanced, DELF-DALF: B1)
  • Italian (advanced)
  • Latin (beginner)

Programs & Programming Languages

  • Cool Edit
  • ELAN
  • Praat
  • R & RStudio
  • Python (basics)
  • PsychoPy
  • MS-Office
  • HTML, CSS & Java-Script (basics)

Fun but Useless

  • Riding a Unicycle
  • Wiggling my Ears